Past week eleven of pregnancy, your baby has adult distinct human characteristics, including fingers and toes!

Some moms-to-be find that their morn sickness starts to ease up equally they approach the end of the first trimester, though it's also mutual to yet be experiencing nausea, food aversions and bloating around this fourth dimension.

Your Baby at Week 11

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Ladies and gentleman, mommies and daddies…in this corner, weighing in at a whopping third of an ounce and standing — or rather, laying — 2 inches long is…your baby! She's caterpillar-size right now, though non quite equally fuzzy… and certainly more homo in advent.

Sure, her forehead is still high, and her head is still disproportionately larger than her body, but her facial bones are completely formed, she has an obvious jawline, and most of her soon-to-exist-adorable facial features are well divers. The ears are now sculpted into their seashell shape, hair follicles are sprouting head to toe, nipples on the chest are visible, fingernail and toenail beds are developing, her peel is beginning to thicken, and those diminutive digits are no longer webbed like a froglet'south. And behind those petty lips, your baby is trying out her new tongue and palate — yawning, swallowing, chewing — prepping for hours of eating and chatting in years to come up.

Your little one'south ticker is ticking faster each calendar week — clocking in at well-nigh 120 to 160 beats per minute. And while you probably don't feel anything still, in that location's plenty of nimble activeness going on in your uterus. Your tiny athlete is practicing somersaults, stretches, and spins…a big workout for one so wee. Lucky for her, your uterine gym is open 24 hours a twenty-four hours.

At a Glance

Tin yous hear me now?

Your baby-to-be's ears take migrated closer to their final destination on either side of his cute little head.

Brainy baby

Your infant's caput accounts for about half of his body length. Wow!

Piffling fingers and toes

Bye-good day, webbed easily and feet. Your little one's fingers and toes are separating and looking like real baby parts. Fingernail and toenail beds are besides offset to develop.

11 weeks pregnant is how many months?

If you're 11 weeks significant, you lot're in calendar month 3 of your pregnancy. But half dozen months left to go! Notwithstanding have questions? Here's some more data on how weeks, months and trimesters are broken downwards in pregnancy.

How big is my baby at 11 weeks?

Slightly more than than 1½ inches long now and weighing about a quarter of an ounce, your babe has been pretty decorated growing this week.

Baby's got fingers, toes and other new features

Hair follicles are forming not just on the crown, but on the balance of the body. And those tiny hands and feet have private fingers and toes — meaning good day to those frog-similar webbed hands and feet.

Meanwhile, fingernail and toenail beds brainstorm to develop this week; in the next few weeks, the nails themselves will start to grow, so don't forget to add a baby smash clipper to your to-buy listing.

While you can't tell what baby'south sex will be nevertheless, ovaries are developing if it's a girl.

And by calendar week 11 of pregnancy, baby has other singled-out homo characteristics: hands and feet in front of his torso, ears nearly in their final shape, open up nasal passages on the tip of his tiny nose, a tongue and palate in the mouth, and visible nipples.

Baby's position is changing

Your baby's body is straightening and his torso is lengthening — sounds like a yoga pose, doesn't it? Other poses your babe can presume now: stretches, somersaults and forward rolls.

Your Body at Week 11

pregnant woman examining teeth at 11 weeks of pregnancy

Tummy grumbling?

Y'all might be feeling a bit hungrier these days — and that'due south good. It's a sign your morning sickness is easing and your ambition is gearing up to assistance you nourish your trunk … and your infant.

But don't go overboard only considering yous're eating for two. Try to gain weight efficiently by choosing the nearly nutritious foods during pregnancy and minimizing the junk.

At eleven weeks pregnant, your lower belly is probably only starting to protrude a scrap too — though people may non approximate that you're expecting yet.

Bloating and burping

Even if information technology your tummy is still flat equally a board — all women start to evidence at different times and, as you'll find out, all prove differently — you're probably finding your jeans aren't buttoning without a struggle.

Blame the pregnancy hormone progesterone for that tight squeeze. Though progesterone does a bang-up chore in maintaining a healthy pregnancy, some of the less than flattering by-products of all the good it does are bloating, burping and passing gas.

That's considering progesterone relaxes smooth muscle tissue in your body — including the gastrointestinal tract — slowing down digestion to let more than fourth dimension for the nutrients from nutrient to be absorbed into the bloodstream and passed to your babe.

But what's good for baby isn't e'er skillful for Mom. The uncomfortable fullness you lot feel in your abdomen, particularly after eating, will only go worse for some women. As your uterus grows, it'll oversupply the stomach and intestines, putting more pressure on the digestive tract and causing you to feel even more bloated.

Here's some consolation: Your babe won't feel your hurting. In fact, your baby is oblivious to all your intestinal distress — and may even be soothed by the gurgling of your gastric symphony. Minimize bloating and gas past grazing instead of gorging and steering clear of notorious gas producers, such equally beans, fried foods, soda and sweets.

Reducing fatigue during pregnancy

Pregnancy fatigue is par for the course when yous're pregnant, specially in the showtime and third trimesters. Afterward all, your body is growing another human being in the form of your little baby, which is a heck of a lot of piece of work around the clock!

In the meantime, fight fatigue past eating energy-boosting snacks like nuts, dried fruit, cheese and crackers and other healthy foods that can requite you a kick. You lot should also indulge in cat naps whenever possible, take breaks when you're wiped out, and engage in pregnancy-safe exercises like walking, which tin can help combat the sleepies.

Pregnancy Symptoms Week 11

Frequent urination

Blame that pregnancy hormone hCG, which increases blood flow to the pelvic area and kidneys, for making you feel the need to pee nearly all the time. Merely don't be tempted to cut back on your fluid intake since you and your baby-to-be need to stay hydrated. Instead, cut back on caffeinated drinks — they just increment your need to pee. Read More than

Breast tenderness and changes

Your growing breasts may be a turn-on for your partner, simply your achy boobs are a turnoff for you. Warn your partner about your actress-sensitive breasts — and that yous may not exist upwards for lovemaking or even heavy-duty hugging. Read More

Nausea and vomiting

Still feeling "morning sickness" — morning, noon and night? Don't despair. The odds are good you only have a week or two left of queasiness, and nearly momshoped-for get over their nausea by weeks 12 to 14. Read More

Food cravings and aversions

Are yous still gagging at the smell of what used to be your favorite food — or jonesing for meat even though you were practically a vegetarian? The good news is that these freaky changes in food preferences may lessen by your quaternary month. Read More than

Bloating and gas

How tin can your belly feel so inflated when your fetus is still only virtually 2 inches long? The progesterone in your system has acquired your alimentary canal to relax, which slows digestion and leaves you feeling bloated. Read More

Faintness or dizziness

Your torso isn't producing enough claret to fill your expanding circulatory system, which can lead to dizziness and faintness. Stave off lightheadedness by lying downwardly and elevating your feet in a higher place the level of your centre to increase blood pressure throughout your body. If this isn't an selection, sit and put your caput between your knees and exhale deeply. Read More than

Tips for You This Week

Strike a pose

Prenatal yoga is the perfect pregnancy exercise.

Non but tin a yoga routine help you experience more relaxed and prepared for birth, simply a once-a-calendar week prenatal yoga session, when done for at least two months, is enough to reduce the chance of anxiety and depression. That, in turn, can lower the risk of premature birth and postpartum blues.

Wash those hands

When you're expecting, your immune system runs at a lower speed than usual — which is actually a practiced thing, since it keeps your growing infant protected and stops your torso from fighting the fetus off as a strange entity.

The downside: Your torso can't ward off colds as well every bit it normally does, making y'all more vulnerable to the stuffy olfactory organ, cough and sore throat that accompany them.

If lather and h2o aren't bachelor, use booze-based manus sanitizers.

Continue your smiling vivid

You may have to wait until after you evangelize your meg-dollar babe to debut a new million-dollar smile. While there are no proven risks to tooth whitening, it's a procedure that definitely falls into the better-safety-than-pitiful category and is all-time avoided while you're pregnant.

Be sure to keep your teeth clean and well flossed, though. Gingivitis, or inflamed gums, is common in pregnant women, so continue your teeth healthy in between cleanings past chewing sugarless mucilage, which tin can assist reduce plaque build-up, and snacking on basics or cheese, which contain calcium and other nutrients.

Your super-sensitive gums volition give thanks you for the attention, plus yous'll increase your chances of having a healthier pregnancy. Believe information technology or non, poor dental care has been linked to premature birth. And isn't having a healthy mouth more important than having whiter pearly whites?

Go your C

Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen, which bolsters your baby's cartilage, muscles, claret vessels and bones. It also gives a baby's trunk the ability to repair wounded tissue.

And if that'southward not enough, acceptable doses of vitamin C take been linked to a healthy nascence weight and a decreased risk of premature rupture of the membranes. Since vitamin C can't be stored, you'll need to make sure you get plenty servings daily.

You tin can get your C with the old standard — orange juice and oranges — too as from a wide variety of delicious fruits, similar mangoes, cantaloupe and strawberries, and veggies similar red peppers, broccoli, collard greens and vegetable juice.

Soothe dry skin

Dry skin? Taking also many baths tin can strip your skin of its moisture.

Stick to short showers — skillful preparation for actual motherhood — in warm, non hot, water, and utilize a mild cleanser. For very dry pare, try a moisturizer or put a warm-mist humidifier in your room.

If you're not in the mood, don't panic

What's the bargain with your sexual activity drive? Hormones hit every woman differently, turning upwardly the estrus for some and throwing ice water on others.

Pregnancy symptoms can also stand between yous and a good time — after all, it's difficult to feel sexy when you're busy gagging on dinner.

Residuum bodacious, whatever's normal for you lot is normal. Call up that many women who've lost that lovin' feeling in the kickoff trimester become it back in the 2nd, in spades…so don't exist surprised if a very warm front moves into the bedroom soon.

Learn about the NT screening

The nuchal translucency screening — besides called the NT screening — is a specialized ultrasound performed between weeks 11 and thirteen that screens for chromosomal conditions like Downward syndrome, trisomy eighteen and trisomy thirteen by measuring the level of fluid at the base of the fetus' neck.

Because the NT screening just looks at the statistical likelihood of a chromosomal disorder and can't tell y'all annihilation definitive near your baby, it is usually washed in conjunction with the quad screen or noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) to provide more than comprehensive results.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author ofWhat to Expect When Y'all're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Larn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-engagement by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

  • What to Look When You're Expecting, 5th edition, Heidi Murkoff.
  •, Prenatal Yoga: The Perfect Pregnancy Exercise, October 2018.
  •, Colds During Pregnancy, February 2020.
  •, Sore and Bleeding Gums During Pregnancy, Oct 2020.
  •, Nuchal Translucency Screening, December 2020.
  •, How Much Vitamin C Practise You Demand During Pregnancy?, May 2020.
  •, Dry out Peel During Pregnancy, Nov 2020.
  •, All Your Questions Nigh Sex During Pregnancy, Answered, November 2020.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, How Your Fetus Grows During Pregnancy, August 2020.
  • Mayo Clinic, Fetal Development: The 1st Trimester, June 2020.
  • Society for Endocrinology, Progesterone, Feb 2018.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Problems of the Digestive System, June 2020.
  • Academy of Rochester Medical Eye, Digestive and Liver Disorders Overview, 2021.
  • National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Caffeine, March 2021.
  • Society for Endocrinology, Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, March 2018.
  • National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Pickles and Ice Cream! Food Cravings in Pregnancy: Hypotheses, Preliminary Show, and Directions for Future Research, September 2014.
  • National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Dizziness and Vertigo, June 2021.
  • Mayo Clinic, Orthostatic Hypotension (Postural Hypotension), October 2020.
  • Merck Manuals, Low Blood Pressure level, November 2020.
  • National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Current Psychiatry Reports, Perinatal Low: An Update and Overview, September 2014.
  • March of Dimes, Depression During Pregnancy, March 2019.
  • UpToDate, Patient Education: Avoiding Infections in Pregnancy (Beyond the Basics), May 2021.
  • JAMA Pediatrics, Children at Lower Risk for Peanut, Tree Nut Allergies If Moms Ate More Basics While Meaning, December 2013.
  • National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements, Vitamin C, March 2021.
  • American Dental Association, Pregnancy, May 2021.
  • American Dental Association, Nutrition: What You Eat Affects Your Teeth, 2021.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Your Sexual Health, July 2019.

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