Tfw U Wanna Do Pride Art but Ur Pride Flag Is Embarrassing
LGBTQIA+ Glossary
Hither is a non-comprehensive listing of LGBTQIA+ terminology that you may come up across when interacting with individuals in the community. This list is "non-comprehensive" because language within the community is fluid and oftentimes irresolute.
If y'all see or hear a term not in the glossary:
- Search it - the Internet is our friend!
- Ask the individual what that term means for them and their identity - Ii people might use the aforementioned term (i.e. bisexual), but ascertain it differently (i.e. "I like men and women," 5. "I like all people, I simply use bisexual considering it's more usually known and I have to explain it less.")
The glossary is divided into sections.
- Terms for All Identities: Here you lot will find terms that can apply to whatever identity. We take likewise included basic social justice terminology.
- Sex and Gender: Here you volition detect terms that apply to our understanding of sex and gender.
- Sexual Orientation: Here yous will notice terms that apply to our understanding of sexual orientations (e.g., "Gay").
Each department has subheadings to help you lot navigate:
- Full general - terms needed to talk nigh and explain identities.
- Identities - descriptions of identities that fall nether that department.
- Experience-Related Terminology - terms that help explain some aspects of having an identity in that category.
Social Justice Terminology
Discrimination - differential handling that favors 1 individual or grouping over another based on prejudice.
Institutional Oppression - Societial processes and expectations that benefit 1 group at the expense of some other through the use of language, media, education, religion, economics, etc.
Internalized Oppression - The process by which a member of an oppressed group comes to accept and live out the inaccurate stereotypes applied to the oppressed grouping.
Oppression - the systematic exploitation of social groups by some other for its own do good. It involves institutional command, ideological domination, and the promulgation of the ascendant group'due south culture on the oppressed. Oppression = Prejudice + Power.
Prejudice - A conscious or unconscious negative conventionalities nearly a whole group of people and its private members.
Stereotype - A preconceived or oversimplified generalization about an entire group of people without regard for their individual differences. Though often negative, can too be complimentary. Even positive stereotypes can have a negative bear upon, yet, but considering they involve broad generalizations that ignore individual realities.
Experiential Terminology
Ally - a person who supports and honors LGBTQIA+ diversity, acts accordingly to claiming homophobic/transphobic and heterosexist/cisgender centric remarks and behaviors, and is willing to explore and empathise these forms of bias within themselves.
Closet - beingness "in the closet" means keeping your gender identity and/or sexual orientation a hugger-mugger. Many LGTBQIA+ people remain in the closet considering of fearfulness of rejection, harassment, and anti-gay violence. Many LGBTQIA+ people find that beingness in the cupboard can be an isolated, confining experience.
Coming Out - the developmental process in which a person acknowledges, accepts, and appreciates their gender identity and/or sexual orientation. Coming out is a lifelong process, starting with coming out to oneself and then to others.
Outing - exposing someone's gender identity and/or sexual orientation to others, usually without their permission.
Partner - gender-inclusive term for someone with whom one is involved, commonly in a primary relationship. Avoids assumption of gender identity or sexual orientation. Also, a person'south partner in wedlock, life, dating. Tin can be used by all couples regardless of identities.
Passing - a person's power to be percieved equally a dominant gender/sexual practice or sexual orientation that they might not concur (i.e. a trans woman who 1 would not question beingness trans)
Queer - i: an umbrella term to describe individuals who don't identify equally straight and/or cisgender. Individuals who identify as queer might or might not begin using a different term at a later on date.
2: a slur used to refer to someone who isn't straight and/or cisgender. Due to its historical use as a derogatory term, and how it is all the same used as a slur many communities, it is not embraced or used past all LGBTQ people.
3: Often be utilise interchangeably with LGBTQ (eastward.thousand., "queer people" instead of "LGBTQ people").
Questioning - The process of exploring one's own gender identity, gender expression, and/or sexual orientation. Some folks may also apply this term to name their identity inside the LGBTQIA customs.
General Terminology
Gender - a social construct defining the collection of characteristics that are culturally associated with masculinity or femininity; gender is to "masculine" and "feminine" as sexual practice is to "male" and "female."
Gender Binary - The thought that there are but two genders - male/female or human being/woman and that a person must exist strictly gendered every bit either/or. (Encounter also 'Identity Sphere.')
Gender Identity - the internal perception of an one's gender, and how they characterization themselves, based on how much they align or don't align with what they empathize their options for gender to exist. Often conflated with biological sex, or sex activity assigned at nascency. Research indicates that gender identity is typically established past three years of age, however gender identity is fluid and can alter throughout someone'south lifetime.
Sex activity / Biological Sex - a medical term referring to the chromosomal, hormonal and anatomical characteristics that are used to classify an private every bit female person or male person or intersex. Often referred to equally simply "sexual activity," "physical sexual practice," "anatomical sex," or specifically as "sex assigned at nascency."
Identity Terminology
Bigender/Trigender/Pangender: People who identify equally two, three, or all genders. They may shift between these genders or be all of them at the same time.
Cisgender - /"siss-jendur"/ a gender clarification for when someone'due south sex assigned at nascence and gender identity stand for in the expected way (e.1000., someone who was assigned male at nativity, and identifies equally a human). A elementary way to remember nearly it is if a person is not transgender, they are cisgender. The give-and-take cisgender can also be shortened to "cis."
Drag Male monarch or Elevate Queen - a woman or a human being, respectively, who use exaggerated gender-marked clothing, makeup, and mannerisms for their own and other people'southward appreciation or for amusement.
Gender non-conforming: Not fully aligning to or fulfilling social expectations of gender, whether that be in terms of expression, roles, or operation.
Genderfluid: This term tin can be used as a specific identity or as a way of articulating the irresolute nature of i's gender identity or expression. People who are genderfluid may experience that their gender identity or expression is changeable.
Genderqueer - a term used by many trans-youth who do not identify as either male or female and who often seek to blur gender lines.
Intersex - term for a combination of chromosomes, gonads, hormones, internal sex organs, and genitals that differs from the two expected patterns of male or female person. Many visibly intersex people are given surguries by doctors at birth to make the private'due south sex characteristics arrange to a certain gender/sex alignment, often without their parents knowledge or consent. Intersex people are relatively common - moreso than redheads. Formerly known as hermaphrodite (or hermaphroditic), but these terms are now outdated and derogatory.
Not-binary: Non-binary people are those who identify as a gender that is neither human nor woman or who are non men or women exclusively. Not-binary tin can refer to a specific gender identity or it can part every bit an umbrella term which tin include (though not always) people who are genderqueer, agender, bigender, and others. Oftentimes combined with "transgender/trans" equally an umbrella term: T/NB - trans/nonbinary.
Transgender - Adjective used most often as an umbrella term. Frequently abbreviated to "trans". It describes a wide range of identities and experiences of people whose gender identity and/or expression differs from conventional expectations based on their assigned sexual activity at birth. Non all trans people undergo medical transition (surgery or hormones). Some commonly held definitions: ane. Someone whose behavior or expression does not align their perceived gender, co-ordinate to society. 2. A gender outside of the human/woman binary. 3. Having no gender or multiple genders. Subterms include:
- AMAB/MAAB: Assigned Male At Birth / Male Assigned At Birth, respectively. These terms refer to what gender someone was assigned at birth (in this case male, thus you lot are expected to be a boy/human being). Many trans people apply these as a manner to talk about their gender identity without labeling their electric current identity.
- MTF - a male person-to-female transgender person, or a trans(gender) woman. Some trans people reject this term, arguing that they have always been female person and are only making that identity visible, or that it reinforces a binary view of gender. Oftentimes used to describe what gender confirmation surgeries ane may take gone through.
- AFAB/FAAB: Assigned Female At Birth and Female Assigned At Birth respectively. These terms refer to what gender you were assigned at birth (in this case female, thus you are expected to be a girl/adult female). Many trans people employ these as a way to talk well-nigh their gender identity without labeling their current identity.
- FTM - a female-to-male person transgender person, or a trans(gender) homo. Some trans people reject this term, arguing that they take always been male and are simply making that identity visible, or that it reinforces a binary view of gender. Oft used to describe what gender confirmation surgeries one may have gone through.
2 Spirit - an umbrella term traditionally used within someNorth American Native and Indigenous communities to recognize individuals who possess qualities or fulfill roles of multiple genders, and are seen every bit being 'blessed by the Creator. It is important to note that being two spirit is not the aforementioned as being Gay, Lesbian, or Trans.
Experiential Terminology
Cisgender Privilege: The privileges cisgender people have because their gender identities match their assigned gender and because they are considered "normal". For case, cisgender people don't take to worry near violence and institutionalized discrimination merely due to the fact they are cisgender.
Dead name - the birth or given proper noun of someone who has changed it. Often used by trans people who become by their chosen name and do not desire to refer to their sometime identity. Information technology is not appropriate to ask someone what their deadname is. If you need to know if the name yous know them as is their legal proper noun, enquire "Is "(insert name)" your legal name/the name used on legal documentation?" Besides used as a verb when one uses the given proper name (i.e. "They deadnamed me.").
Doing Elevate or Being In Elevate - wearing clothing considered appropriate for someone of another gender. Drag too generally includes performing exaggerated aspects of the reverse gender.
Gender Confirmation Surgeries - Medical surgeries used to modify one's body to be more congruent with one'south gender identity. Also known as sex-reassignment surguries, though this has fallen out of favor. Note: the plural is used intentionally, equally many people ask "Have they had THE surgery," when there are in fact multiple surgeries involved.
Gender Oppression - The societal, institutional, and individual behavior and practices that privilege cisgender (gender-typical people) and subordinate and disparage transgender people. Also known equally "genderism."
Misgender: The act of attributing a person to a gender they practise not identify as. (i.e. using an erstwhile name or pronouns).
Transition - This term is primarily used to refer to the process a person undergoes when changing their bodily appearance/expression either to be more than coinciding with the gender/sexual activity they feel themselves to be and/or to be in harmony with their preferred gender expression. Non ever a medical process - might simply involve a new name/pronouns/wardrobe, simply can include hormone therapy and/or surgeries.
Transmisogyny: Originally coined by the author Julia Serano, this term highlights the intersectionality of misogyny and transphobia and how they are often experienced as a dual form of oppression past trans women and some other AMAB/MAAB/MTF trans people.
Transphobia - the fear and hatred of or discomfort with people who are transgender.
Full general Terminology
Emotional Attraction - a capacity that evokes the want to engage in emotionally intimate beliefs (eastward.g., sharing, confiding, trusting, inter-depending), experienced in varying degrees (from little-to-none to intense). Ofttimes conflated with sexual attraction or romantic allure.
Romantic Attraction - a capacity that evokes the want to engage in romantically intimate behavior (east.yard., dating, relationships, marriage), experienced in varying degrees (from picayune-to-none, to intense). Oft conflated with sexual allure or emotional attraction - one can exist romantically attracted to 2 or more identities (biromantic), just only experience sexual attraction for one of them (gay/lesbian or straight).
Sexual Attraction - a chapters that evokes the desire to engage in physically intimate behavior (eastward.k., kissing, touching, intercourse), experienced in varying degrees (from niggling-to-none, to intense). Oft conflated with romantic attraction, emotional attraction, and/or spiritual attraction.
Sexual Behavior - what a person does in terms of sexual acts. Describes deportment, not an identity - a man might experiment with a another homo, but this does not make him gay.
Sexual Orientation - the type of sexual, romantic, emotional/spiritual attraction one has the capacity to feel for some others, generally labeled based on the gender relationship betwixt the person and the people they are attracted to. Often confused with sexual preference.
Sexual Preference - what a person likes or prefers to do sexually: a conscious recognition or pick non to be dislocated with sexual orientation. Often comes upwards in relation to bisexual identities: 1 might be attracted to men and women, but take a preference for one over the other.
Sexuality - the complex range of components that make united states sexual beings: includes emotional, physical, and sexual aspects, as well as self-identification (including sexual orientation and gender), behavioral preferences and practices, fantasies, and feelings of affection and emotional analogousness.
Identity Terminology
Aromantic /"ay-ro-man-tic"/ - experiencing little or no romantic attraction to others and/or has a lack of interest in romantic relationships/beliefs. Aromanticism exists on a continuum from people who experience no romantic attraction or have any want for romantic activities, to those who experience low levels, or romantic attraction only under specific weather. Sometimes abbreviated to "aro" (pronounced like "pointer"). Someone who is aromantic might or might not desire sexual activity.
Asexual /"ay-sexual"/ - A sexual orientation by and large characterized by non feeling sexual allure or a want for partnered sexuality. Asexuality is singled-out from celibacy, which is the deliberate abstention from sexual activity. Some asexual people do have sex activity. There are many various means of beingness asexual. Many of these different places on the continuum have their ain identity labels (encounter demisexual). Someone who is asexual might or might not desire romantic activeness.
Bicurious - A curiosity about having sexual relations with a same gender/sex person.
Biromantic /"bi-ro-man-tic"/ - experiencing romantic attraction to multiple other identities. Someone who is biromantic might be sexually attracted to the same identities they are romantically attracted to, or they might not.
Bisexual - A person whose main sexual and affectional orientation is toward people of the same and other genders, or towards people regardless of their gender. Ofttimes used as an umbrella term for people who are attracted to more than one gender.
Bisexual Umbrella / Bi/Pan Umbrella - a category of identities that depict people who are attracted to more than one gender. Holds terms similar bisexual, polysexual, pansexual, omnisexual, etc.
Demisexual - is a sexual orientation in which someone feels sexual attraction but to people with whom they have an emotional bail. Most demisexuals feel sexual attraction rarely compared to the general population, and some have little to no interest in sexual practice. Demisexuals are considered to be on the asexual spectrum, pregnant they are closely aligned
Gay - was used commonly in previous generations to refer to all people who are LGBTQIA+. Information technology is more commonly used to refer to gay men. This word has been used often as slang to make reference to something negative. The utilise of this give-and-take in this manner may exist hurtful to sexual minorities and is not consistent with beingness an ally.
Gay Human - a man who is emotionally, romantically, sexually, affectionately, and relationally attracted to other men
Heterosexual/Straight - a person who is primarily or exclusively emotionally, romantically, sexually, affectionately, and relationally attracted to people of the "opposite" sex
Homosexual - An give-and-take used to depict a person who is primarily emotionally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to members of the aforementioned sexual activity. The use of this term outside of a clinical setting has fallen out of favor, equally it was a medical diagnosis when commencement introduced, and connotes an uncomfortablity.
Lesbian - a adult female who is emotionally, romantically, sexually, affectionately, and relationally attracted to other women.
Pansexual, Omnisexual - Terms used to describe people who have romantic, sexual or affectional desire for people of all genders and sexes. Often put under the Bisexual Characterization (Bi-Umbrella or Bi/Pan Umbrella), as more people are familiar with the term "bisexual."
Experiential Terminology
Biphobia - fearfulness/hatred or discrimination confronting people who are bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, or nonmonosexual. This can present as comments similar "When you become married, do yous become gay/directly?" These comments may come up from 18-carat curiosity or confusion, only contribute to a lack of understadning nigh the idenitity. A subset of this is Bi-erasure, or pretending that bisexuality is a "myth." This frequently comes from inside the community every bit much as outside of information technology. For example, "One 24-hour interval, you'll realize you're actually but gay."
Double Discrimination - Refers to the prejudicial attitudes toward and discrimination against bisexual individuals from monosexual individuals (i.e., individuals who place every bit being attracted to one gender). The term comes from the fact that bisexual individuals can face up bigotry from TWO sources: heteronormative guild as well every bit members of the queer community (e.1000., lesbian and gay individuals). Closely related to bipohia and bi erasure.
Heterosexual Privilege - the basic civil rights and social privileges that a heterosexual person automatically receives that are systematically denied to gay, lesbian, and bisexual persons simply because of their sexual orientation. The assumption that all people are heterosexual.
Homophobia - the fear and hatred of or discomfort with people who love and sexually desire members of the same sexual activity. Homophobic/transphobic reactions often lead to intolerance, discrimination, and violence against anyone not acting within heterosexual norms.
Heterocentrism - the assumption that anybody is heterosexual unless otherwise indicated. Labels heterosexuality to be a "norm" and all other identities to exist outside of this "norm."
Heteronormativity - A fix of lifestyle norms, practices, and institutions that promote binary alignment of biological sexual activity, gender identity, and gender roles; assume heterosexuality as a fundamental and natural norm; and privilege monogamous, committed relationships and reproductive sex above all other sexual practices.
Heterosexism - The assumption that all people are or should exist heterosexual. Heterosexism excludes the needs, concerns, and life experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer people while information technology gives advantages to heterosexual people. Information technology is often a subtle form of oppression, which reinforces realities of silence and invisibility.
Straight-Interim - A term usually applied to gay men who readily pass as heterosexual. The term implies that there is a sure style that gay men act that is significantly different from heterosexual men. "Straight-interim" gay men are ofttimes looked down upon in the LGBTQ community for seemingly accessing heterosexual privilege.
Why Pronouns Matter
Using pronouns to talk well-nigh somebody is the same as using a person'southward proper name. While you may not give much idea to your name, many people experience a strong sense of pride in their name. Some people are more comfortable with their first name instead of their eye proper name (or vice versa), others, a derivation of their name or a nickname. How somebody asks for you to refer to them is how people make space for themselves. Similarly, the pronouns with which someone identifies are how they experience valued and seen. We have been conditioned to assume gender based on what people look similar, and that tin result in harmful messages. Taking the time to learn and use someone'south pronouns is a pocket-sized gesture that makes a large difference!
Helpful Resource: Why Pronouns Matter for Trans People
Helpful Resources: Pronouns Affair -
Yep! YES! YES! In fact, this is a do that nosotros should all go more comfortable with. Asking for someone'southward pronouns shows that you are being thoughtful nigh the lived experience of whomever you are interacting with. Many people take never thought nigh their pronouns, and may not know how to reply when asked; that'due south OK! This is an opportunity to talk about what pronouns are, why they are important, and why it is important to enquire for them! The best way to ask for someone's pronouns is to simply say something like "What pronouns do you use?" or "What are your pronouns?". If you are unsure of someone'south pronouns, it is typically OK to utilise 'They/Them/Theirs'. An even safer way to refer to someone if you don't know their pronouns is past using their name! For example, "As Chris said...", "When I was talking to Heidi...", or "Did you know Alex's favorite band is...?"
Helpful Resource: Using and Asking for Pronouns
Absolutely! Yous might take even reached this folio from someone'due south email signature that included their pronouns, fifty-fifty though they might not be trans/non-binary, or even LGBTQIA+! Sharing your pronouns is a great way to challenge the norm that you lot tin assume someone'due south pronouns, and to create space for everyone to share their pronouns, especially for trans, queer, and/or non-binary people. There are a variety of ways to do this; you tin add pronouns to your e-mail signature, put them on your nametag or door, add them to your profile on social media, and share them out loud when introducing yourself. If you are leading a group give-and-take, y'all tin also inquire that when each person introduces themself, they share their pronouns (as they are comfy- nosotros don't desire to force anyone to out themselves!) We understand that sharing pronouns can exist awkward at first, but want to assure you that, once you accept done it a few times, information technology but becomes a part of how you introduce yourself!
Mistakes are bound to happen. We take been taught our whole lives to believe there are only two genders, and that we can tell what someone's gender is based on looking at them. It is OK to experience embarassed, confused, or apologetic for misgendering someone, but the of import thing is to acknowledge your mistake and move on. Y'all don't demand to feel like you owe the person a bawling explanation of why you made the mistake; rather, a simple "I'thousand deplorable, they..." in the moment will normally suffice. If y'all realize that you have been misgendering someone for a while, reaching out to them to acknowledge your mistake and apologizing is a cracking first step. Saying "I wanted to apologize for referring to you by the wrong pronouns. I know you apply "she/her" pronouns and I volition make sure to not make that mistake again." shows that you empathize that you lot've made a mistake AND that you will actively have steps to correct it. Information technology is important to note that people may respond dissimilar ways when they are misgendered. Some people volition move on quickly, others may go upset. Whatever the response, being sincere in interacting with that person volition help maintain the relationship.
Helpful Resource: What To Practise (and Not Do) If You Misgender Someone
YES! Multitudes! Almost people are familiar with "He/Him/His" to refer to a man or male child, and "She/Her/Hers" to refer to a woman or girl, simply there are so many other pronouns with which people identify! These pronouns take a diverseness of origins; some are revived from Old English language, others take been created by literary works, and still others have been borrowed from other languages. Ane that people ofttimes struggle with is the singular 'They'. We are taught throughout schooling that 'They' can simply be used to refer to a group of people, but that is simply not true! An piece of cake way to sympathise how the singular 'They' is used is to recollect nigh a lost item. If you detect an umbrella in a crowded room, someone will oft stand up and ask "Did anyone lose their umbrella?".
Helpful Resource: Merriam Websiter Announces Singular "They" as 2019 Word of the Year
Helpful Resources: Merriam-Webster Dictionary - Atypical 'They'
Helpful Resources: Information technology'south OK To Use "They" To Describe I Person: Here'south Why
Helpful Resources: What Are Pronouns With Which People Place?
Academic Style Guides on the Singular Pronoun 'They' (Indiana University Bloomington, Gender Studies)
Glossary of LGBTQ+ Terms (University of California at Davis LGBTQIA Resources Center)
Gender Pronouns (Trans Student Educational Resource)
Neopronouns Explained (UNCG Office of Intercultural Appointment)
NOTE: We have bolded all of the times and all of the means in which we used the atypical 'They' on this page in an effort to evidence how commonplace our usage really is. We hope this tin serve as a tool to aid you prove others how often we utilise the singular 'They'.
Theis page was adapted from The Office of Intercultural Engagement at UNC Greensboro. Used with permission.
LGBTQIA+ Flags and Symbols
Rainbow Flag
The Rainbow Flag offset appeared in 1978, when it was flown during the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Freedom 24-hour interval Parade. Gilbert Baker, a San Francisco creative person, designed the rainbow flag in response to a need for a symbol that could exist used yr after year. Baker borrowed symbolism from the civil rights and hippie movements, and created a flag that has gained worldwide recognition. The original flag featured viii colors, each with a distinct meaning assigned by Baker: Hot pink (Sex), Carmine (Life), Orange (Healing), Yellowish (Sunlight), Green (Nature), Turquoise (Magic/Art), Indigo (Serenity), Violet (Spirit).
After the bump-off of gay San Francisco Urban center Supervisor Harvey Milk on November 27, 1978, demand for the rainbow flag greatly increased. To meet need, the Paramount Flag Company began selling a version of the flag using stock rainbow cloth with vii stripes using the colors ruby-red, orange, yellowish, green, turquoise, blue, and violet. As Baker ramped up production of his version of the flag, he too dropped the hot pink stripe because of the unavailability of hot-pink fabric. San Francisco-based Paramount Flag Co. also began selling a surplus stock of Rainbow Girls flags from its retail store on the southwest corner of Polk and Post, at which Gilbert Baker was an employee.
In 1979, the flag was modified again; the organizers of the 1979 San Francisco parade decided to split up the flag into two in order to decorate the two sides of the parade road. To accomplish this, they needed an fifty-fifty number of stripes, so the turquoise stripe was dropped, which resulted in a six stripe version of the flag we know today — cherry, orange, yellow, green, bluish, and violet.
In October 2017, a rainbow LGBT flag was raised at the Stonewall National Monument, the first U.South. National Monument dedicated to LGBT rights and history, situated almost the Stonewall Inn. Information technology received its National Monument designation on June 24, 2016. This flag is the first officially maintained LGBT flag at a federal monument.

Person of Color (POC) Rainbow Flag
The Rainbow Flag was used in its 6-stripe pattern almost exclusively since 1979. Other iterations were created, but none gained as much traction or attention. In June 2017, still, the Philadelphia Office of LGBT Affairs launched the More Color More Pride campaign, unveiling a new 8-stripe flag to represent inclusion of people of color in the LGBTQ customs. The flag retained the 6-stripes that were in common use, and added a black and brown stripe to the top of the flag.
This new flag was created in big part every bit a response to bug effectually racism and intersectionality the Philadelphia LGBTQIA+ customs had faced in the months and years preceeding its debut. Every bit Eater reported in Feb 2017, 11 gay bars and nightlife venues were required to take anti-racism grooming afterward complaints were made that the bars and clubs were discriminating against nonwhite patrons.

Lesbian Flags
Labrys Lesbian Flag
The labrys lesbian flag was created in 1999 by graphic designer Sean Campbell, and published in June 2000 in the Palm Springs edition of the Gay and Lesbian Times Pride issue.The pattern involves a labrys superimposed on the inverted black triangle, set against a violet hue background. The labrys was used as an ancient religious symbol, and for other various purposes. In the 1970s it was adopted equally a symbol of empowerment by the lesbian feminist customs. Women considered asocial by the Third Reich considering they did not conform to the Nazi platonic of a woman, which included homosexual females, were condemned to concentration camps and wore an inverted black triangle bluecoat to identify them. Some lesbians reclaimed this symbol every bit gay men reclaimed the pink triangle (many lesbians also reclaimed the pink triangle although lesbians were not included in Paragraph 175 of the High german criminal lawmaking).

Lipstick Lesbian Flag
The "pink" lesbian flag consists of six shades of cherry-red and pinkish colors and a white bar in the center. The original blueprint, known equally the "lipstick lesbian" flag, includes a red kiss and was introduced in the web log This Lesbian Life in 2010. Both the "pink" and "lipstick lesbian" flags stand for "homosexual women who have a more feminine gender expression". The original flag has not been widely adopted; however, its non-kiss variant attracted more employ.
The term "lipstick lesbian" has been met with controversy. Some authors take commented that the term lipstick lesbian is commonly used broadly to refer to feminine bisexual women or to heterosexual women who temporarily show romantic or sexual interest in other women to impress men; for example, Jodie Brian, Encyclopedia of Gender and Guild, Volume i (2009), states, "A common delineation of lipstick lesbianism includes conventionally bonny and sexually insatiable women who desire one another but only insofar as their desire is a performance for male onlookers or a precursor to sex activity with men."
The term has also been used as a derogatory term from within the community. For example, a more masculine identifying/expressing lesbian might call a more than feminine identifying/expressing lesbian "non a real lesbian, just a lipstick lesbian," implying that their sexuality is not "complete" because they yet attach to societal expectations of femininity.

New Lesbian Flag(s)
After the lipstick lesbian flag, Tumblr blogger Emily Gwen created a design for a new lesbian flag in 2018. This flag retained the 7 stripes from the lipstick flag, but inverse the pinnacle set to orange shades. The stripes, from top to lesser, correspond 'gender not-conformity' (dark orange), 'independence' (orangish), 'community' (light orange), 'unique relationships to womanhood' (white) , 'serenity and peace' (pink), 'love and sex' (dusty pinkish), and 'femininity' (night rose).
Following the Tumblr post where the 7-stripe design was voted on, a second version with a simplified v colour design was introduced.
Bisexual Flag
Showtime unveiled on 5 December 1998, the bisexual pride flag was designed by Michael Page to represent and increase visibility of bisexuals in the LGBT community and society as a whole. This rectangular flag consists of a broad magenta stripe at the summit, a broad stripe in blue at the bottom, and a narrower deep lavender ring occupying the central fifth.
Folio describes the meaning of the pink, lavender, and blueish flag as this: "The pink color represents sexual attraction to the aforementioned sex only (gay and lesbian). The bluish represents sexual attraction to the opposite sexual practice only (direct) and the resultant overlap colour purple represents sexual attraction to both sexes (bi)." He also describes the flag'south significant in deeper terms, stating "The primal to agreement the symbolism of the Bisexual pride flag is to know that the imperial pixels of color blend unnoticeably into both the pink and bluish, only as in the 'real globe,' where bi people blend unnoticeably into both the gay/lesbian and straight communities."

Pansexual Flag
The pansexual pride flag has been found on diverse Net sites since mid-2010. It has three horizontal bars that are pink, yellow and blue. The pinkish band symbolizes women; the blue, men; and the yellow, those of a non-binary gender, such every bit agender, bigender or genderfluid.

Polysexual Flag
Polysexual (sometimes spelled Polisexual or Plysexual) is a sexuality defined past the attraction to many genders, but not necessarily all. A polysexual person may, for case, be attracted to all genders except for men. Polysexuality should not be confused with polyamory, the capacity to be in a relationship with multiple people at once. The polysexual flag has three stripes, pink representing allure to women, green representing attraction to non-binary people, and blue representing allure to men.

Asexual Flag
In Baronial 2010, after a period of contend over having an asexual flag and how to set upwards a system to create ane, and contacting as many asexual communities equally possible, Asexual Visibility and Instruction Network (AVEN) announced a flag as the asexual pride flag by one of the teams involved. The terminal flag had been a popular candidate and had previously seen use in online forums outside of AVEN. The terminal vote was held on a survey system outside of AVEN where the master flag creation efforts were organized. The flag colors have been used in artwork and referenced in articles about asexuality. The flag consists of four horizontal stripes: black, grayness, white, and purple from top to bottom. The black stripe represents asexuality, the grey stripe representing the greyness-area between sexual and asexual, the white stripe sexuality, and the imperial stripe community.

Aromantic Flag
Aromantic (oftentimes shortened to aro) means someone who does not feel romantic allure. Romantic attraction is divers every bit the desire to be in a romantic relationship and/or practice romantic acts with a specific person. The aromantic flag is a five striped flag with nighttime green and light green representing aro-spec identifies, white representing friendship, and grey and black representing the spectrum of sexual identifies in the aromantic community.

Demisexual Flag
A demisexual person does non experience sexual attraction until they accept formed a potent emotional connexion with a prospective partner. The definition of "emotional bail" varies from person to person. In the demisexual flag, the black chevron represents asexuality, grey represents gray asexuality and demisexuality, white represents sexuality, and purple represents community.

Transgender Flag
The Transgender Pride Flag was designed by transgender woman Monica Helms in 1999, which was first shown at a pride parade in Phoenix, Arizona, Us in 2000. It was flown from a large public flagpole in San Francisco'due south Castro Commune showtime November 19, 2012 in commemoration of the Transgender Day of Remembrance. The flag represents the transgender community and consists of five horizontal stripes: ii light blueish, ii pink, with a white stripe in the heart. Helms described the meaning of the flag as follows:
"The stripes at the top and bottom are low-cal blue, the traditional color for baby boys. The stripes adjacent to them are pink, the traditional color for babe girls. The white stripe is for people that are nonbinary, feel that they don't have a gender." The pattern is such that no matter which way you fly it, it is always correct, signifying usa finding correctness in our lives.
Philadelphia became the first canton government in the U.S. to raise the transgender pride flag in 2015. It was raised at City Hall in honor of Philadelphia'southward 14th Annual Trans Health Briefing, and remained adjacent to the US and Metropolis of Philadelphia flags for the entirety of the conference. And so-Mayor Michael Nutter gave a speech in laurels of the trans community's credence in Philadelphia.

Intersex Flag
Intersex people are those who practise not exhibit all the biological characteristics of male or female person, or exhibit a combination of characteristics, at birth. Between 0.05% and 1.7% of the population is estimated to have intersex traits.
The intersex flag was created by Morgan Carpenter of Intersex Homo Rights Australia in July 2013 to create a flag "that is not derivative, only is withal firmly grounded in meaning". The organization describes the circle as "unbroken and unornamented, symbolising wholeness and completeness, and our potentialities. We are still fighting for bodily autonomy and genital integrity, and this symbolises the right to be who and how we want to exist".

Non-Binary Flag
The non-binary flag was created in 2014 past activist Kye Rowan. Each stripe colour represents different types of non-binary identities: Yellow for people who identify outside of the gender binary, white for nonbinary people with multiple genders, royal for those with a mixture of both male and female genders, and black for agender individuals.
Under the not-binary umbrella are all those who identify off the gender binary. There are many different identities within this category including androgyny, genderqueerness (which includes agender, ceterosexual, gender fluid, intergender), 3rd gender, and transgender.

Genderqueer Flag
A person who is genderqueer identitfies outside of the a cisgender identity or the gender binary. A term that came into beingness before "nonbinary;" the 2 terms are sometimes used interchangeably. A way to understand this term is that "queer" is often used every bit an umbrella term for someone/anyone whose sexual orientation identifies outside of heterosexuality, so this term adds "gender" to signify they identify exterior of cisgender/gender binary structures. This flag was created in 2011, but its creator is unknown. The stripes on the flag have the post-obit meanings: lavender for a combination of masculinity and femininity, white for a questioning of gender or a neutral gender, green for genders which are defined outside of masculinity and femininity.

Genderfluid Flag
Under the transgender umbrella, genderfluid is a subgroup of the genderqueer community. The genderfluid flag consists of five stripes. This flag represents the fluctuations and flexibility of gender in gender fluid people. The starting time stripe is pink which represents femininity or feeling female. The second stripe is white, representing the lack of gender. The third stripe is purple and represents a combination of masculinity and femininity including various degrees of androgyny. The fourth stripe is black and represents all other gender, 3rd genders, and pangender. The final stripe is bluish and represents masculinity or feeling male. Various social media users are attributed with creating this flag.

Agender Flag
Originally created in 2014 by an artist named Salem, the agender flag represents those who do non identify every bit having a gender. The agender flag consists of a mirrored pattern of seven stripes. From top to bottom they are: black, gray, white, low-cal dark-green, white, gray, and black. The stripes have the following meanings: black to stand for a complete absenteeism of gender, white to as well represent this absence, grey to include people who have a partial absence of gender, and dark-green as the inverse of purple. Purple is often used to represent a combination of genders—and then inverting it represents a negation of that concept. Agender people tin lean towards identifying as male or female equally function of their agender identity. This has leant itself to a few variations on the agender flag: for case, the agender male child (replacing the grey stripes with light bluish) and agender girl (replacing the grayness stripes with calorie-free pinkish) flags.

Black Triangle
The blackness triangle was originally used in Nazi concentration camps to primarily markpeople who were deemed asocial elements and work-shy, including the following:
- Roma and Sinti - Female Romani were still deemed asocials as they were stereotyped every bit niggling criminals (prostitutes, kidnappers and fortune tellers).
- Mentally sick and mentally disabled
- Alcoholics and drug addicts
- Vagrants and beggars
- Pacifists and conscription resisters
- Prostitutes
- Lesbians
This is an example of how individuals who are LGBTQIA+ have been continued to criminal acts, mental illness, sex piece of work, and addiction.
Similar to the pinkish triangle, the black triangle was originally used to place women in the Nazis concentration camps who were deemed homosexual and has now been reclaimed by the Lesbian community as a symbol of Pride.
In 1970, a lowercase lambda was chosen past Tom Doerr as the symbol of the New York chapter of the Gay Activists Alliance. The lambda symbol became associated with Gay Liberation and recognized as an LGBT symbol for some time afterwards, being used equally such by the International Gay Rights Congress in Edinburgh, the gay rights organization Lambda Legal, and the Lambda Literary Foundation, among others. Because of its official adoption past the GAA, the lower example Greek letter lambda became a manner for the gay community to identify each other. The reasoning was that the lambda would easily be mistaken for a college fraternity symbol and ignored by nearly people.
Pink Triangle
The pink triangle was originally used in Nazi concentration camps to primarily marker homosexual men and those identified equally such (due east.g., bisexual men and trans women), as well equally sexual offenders including rapists, pedophiles and zoophiles. This is an case of how the individuals who place as LGBTQIA+ accept been connected to these criminal acts. The pink triangle is used past individuals in the customs every bit a reclamation of a oppressive symbol, and at present serves for some as a a gay pride and gay rights symbol.
Human Rights Campaign
As America's largest gay and lesbian organization, the Man Rights Campaign provides a national voice on gay and lesbian problems. The Human Rights Campaign effectively lobbies Congress; mobilizes grassroots action in diverse communities; invests strategically to elect a off-white-minded Congress; and increases public understanding through innovative education and advice strategies.
HRC is a bipartisan system that works to advance equality based on sexual orientation and gender expression and identity, to ensure that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans can exist open, honest and condom at dwelling, at work and in the community.
Transgender Icon
Depicts a circle with an arrow projecting from the top-right, as per the male symbol, a cross projecting from the bottom, equally per the female person symbol, and with an additional striked pointer (combining the female cross and male arrow) projecting from the top-left.
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